Take an objective step toward better understanding your guest experience.
Below are aspects of your operation our Undercover Foodies will have their eyes on, discreetly.
Welcome UnderCover Foodie Mystery Diner! If you landed on this page, it means that you have accepted our mission to go UNDERCOVER to help us gather critical details on behalf of our restaurant clients. This data will help them to better understand what it’s like to be a guest in their own restaurant(s).
The email you received from us contains all the details of your Mystery Shop and destination. Please complete your “shop” within the indicated timeframe, and carefully review the checklist below before embarking on your mission to ensure you’re prepared to gather all necessary data. After your visit, complete and submit the form below within 24 hours.
Here’s the checklist of items that you’ll need to fulfill during your visit:
- Photos: Begin your mission by discreetly capturing the restaurant’s exterior, the hostess/check-in area, the dining room, your table (before your meal), and with no one else present, the restrooms. Horizontal photos in 16:9 JPEG format are preferred.
- Don’t be shy. Interact with your server as an interested, enthusiastic, and friendly customer. Ask them a few questions about the menu offerings before ordering and for some personal recommendations. Engage with them throughout your meal. Remember to jot down the names of your server(s), this information will be needed later in the evaluation form below.
- Food: Order the dishes specified in the email you received. Photograph each dish that you order. Be sure not to cut off any edges of the plate when taking pictures. Horizontal photos in 16:9 JPEG format are preferred.
- Details, Details, Details: Pay attention to the finer points of your experience from start to finish, and be prepared to report them in your evaluation. Note if the restaurant is kept clean, well maintained, and has curb appeal. Observe if the staff seem to be organized and work well together as a cohesive team.
Once you’ve completed your undercover assignment and submitted your feedback through the evaluation form, please reply to the original email with an image of your receipt. You will be reimbursed within 7 days of completion. If you have any questions, please reach out to us before, during or after. We are happy to help answer any questions you may have.
Thank you for playing an integral part in our mission to uphold quality and service standards in the restaurant industry.
As you can see, our Undercover Foodies will be reporting back about what matters to you most.
Whether you seek a one-time visit to survey a particular shift or issue, or a custom program with quarterly or monthly check-ups, Undercover Foodie empowers you with the professional support you need to tackle one of the few in-house tasks you simply can’t do for yourself.